Ask About Their Experience.
Get Your Questions Answered.
Get Supported.
We know hearing firsthand experience and having someone answer your questions directly is incredibly supportive in deciding if ALA is for you.
That’s why we strongly encourage you to pick an angel to support you during this process.
They are regular, everyday leaders like you -
with careers, businesses, and families. And on the side, they have found incredible value and purpose in supporting people like you on their personal leadership and EQ journeys.
They are passionate volunteers.
with careers, businesses, and families. And on the side, they have found incredible value and purpose in supporting people like you on their personal leadership
and EQ journeys.
What is an
ALA Angel?
ALA Angels are alumni of the ALA Program, and are committed, high-impact members of our community.
They are here to support you for as long or short as you like.
with careers, businesses, and families. And on the side, they have found incredible value and purpose in supporting people like you on their personal leadership
and EQ journeys.
They are incredible, inspirational, and truly authentic.
with careers, businesses, and families. And on the side, they have found incredible value and purpose in supporting people like you on their personal leadership and EQ journeys.
These Angels Would
Niell Talbot
Location: San Diego, California
Profession: Emotional Intelligence Coach
Leadership Style: Promoter
Quote: “We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.“ - Winston Churchill
Training Completed: EQ, A&P, Relationships, Warriors Council